
19 April, 2012

Why I tossed your resume

Here is a very interesting article about resumes/cover letters. It appears in the Chronicle of Higher Education, but all the advice seems to cross all industries. Like I have said before in these commentaries most of the advice seems familiar, but  as always I have some thoughts.

The point about not speaking the language is code for doing your research, but the authors advice for using that research seems fresh. I have heard before of the importance of customizing the resume for each position, but I will admit I have had difficulty figuring out exactly how to pull this off. After all my experience doesn't change very often... so other than rearranging the order of things to emphasize certain things I have never done well at this step. I will be trying Mr. Miller's advice about placing keywords from the job ad into the resume as well as the cover letter.

The point that I don't 100% agree with is his first about only applying if you meet all the criteria. While I agree with his point about not using the "spray and pray" technique for applying. I have personally applied for positions that I have not 100% meet all the criteria and still made it to the final 3 or 4 for the face to face interview. In this case I had to make a well reasoned presentation with the resume and cover letter that my qualifications well exceeded their expectations in all other areas except the one that I lacked.

This worked to a point, but I did not get the job. Read the advice, do your research and keep your spirits up.

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