
15 April, 2012

Interviewing Don'ts

Here is a post from over at Business Insider with a list of Seven things you should never do during an interview. Yet again this column includes an important tip about why it is a problem to show up unprepared about the company you are interviewing with.  So even though I feel like a broken record at times it is crucial to do all your homework and research them thoroughly. Check out my posts about research tips for some useful advice.

All the other tips seem solid, the one I have the hardest time with (like most people I would assume) is the "weakness" question. Finally the last tip about ending the interview I have heard both ways. Frankly I have never been able to get up the nerve to ask the blunt question to end the interview... so I am glad to hear this flip side of the coin.

In my last interview I was asked "What did you do to prepare for this interview?" This is the most direct way it has ever been asked to me in an interview setting, but it leads strength to most of my posts as well as the second tip from this column's list of don'ts.

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