
01 June, 2012

Making Employers FInd You.

In this piece originally from provides 7 Secrets to Making Employers Find You. When I first encounters this article on a listserv I thought it would make a good piece to blog about myself. As most of you know I try to link to relevant career related articles and blogs and provide my own commentary.

As I read the tips I thought to myself these aren't secrets. They seem geared towards professional careers more then manufacturing and service careers. Also I have written previous blog posts about similar articles dealing with the importance of Social Media on the career search. Now before the comments come, I freely admit and acknowledge that not all of these seven secrets are not all about social media... but more than half of them are directly tied to social media and the others are related.

Now even if we concede that these are oft written about, and maybe even common sense we shouldn't just ignore them. HR personnel do use LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media tools to find and screen candidates. By being proactive as a job seeker you can help improve their opinion of you as a future colleague.


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