
29 October, 2013

The Interview: How not to blow it...

Even though this piece is written in the Chronicle of Higher Education, and is intended for college instructors, the advice works for all. Robert Sternberg is the president of the University of Wyoming and writes "How Not to Blow the Interview." His 10 tips (below) are as I said universally useful for the job seeker once you reach the interview stage.

  1. Ask in advance if they have any particular concerns about you.
  2. Don't assure people that your great idea will work for them because it worked elsewhere.
  3. Find out the hot-button issues on the campus in advance.
  4. Don't try to solve the institution's problems in the interview.
  5. Assume that anything you say to anyone in the interview could end up in the local news or somewhere on the Web.
  6. Never lie about anything, no matter how small.
  7. Try to understand how you might fit in to the institution's vision of its future.
  8. Know the hiring institution's story of its past.
  9. Don't assume you know who holds the real power.
  10. Be enthusiastic.
Now tips 3, 4, 7, & 8 can all be traced back to doing your research. Replace institution with company and this translates to any field. So this is another great example from someone who does hiring about how knowing about the company/institution (i.e. doing your research) can improve your chances of interview success. I have learned this lesson the hard way once, and hope to never be in that situation again.

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